Best Jasper AI Alternatives: Free and Paid Options

Looking for a different tool that might be cheaper and more reliable than Jasper AI? Here‘s a list jsut for you. Some great choices are:


Top AI Tools Alternative To Jasper AI

jasper ai free alternatives

Netus AI an Alternative to Jasper AI

Although Netus AI might not be an AI writer but you can combine Chat GPT and Netus AI to make undetectable AI Content in minutes, it a lot cheaper tahn Jasper AI.

Copy AI

This tool lets you make content using more than 90 templates. It gives accurate information and works in over 25 languages.


Best AI for Ads and Marketing

jasper ai alternatives


This one offers over 80 templates and even has options for longer pieces and pictures made by AI.

What is Jasper AI and how Does it Work?

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Jasper AI is a new computer program that writes stuff for you super quickly. Even though it’s new, it already has more than 50,000 users from everywhere.

What makes Jasper special? It can write in any style you want. It’s like having a smart friend who learns what you like and writes things for you. The more you use it, the better it gets at writing in your style.

Plus, Jasper has these cool shortcuts called “Jasper Recipes” that help you write even faster. And guess what? It can also make art!

In simple terms, Jasper AI is like a helpful writing buddy on your computer. People all over the world use it for things like blogs, social media posts, emails, ads, and more.

Want to know more about it? I’ve written a detailed review on Jasper AI. If you’re into blogging, I’ve also got tips on how to use Jasper for that.

Problems with Jasper AI Here’s what some people find tricky about using Jasper AI:

jasper ai art

No Always-Free Option – Some tools let you use them for free forever. Jasper doesn’t.

Paying to Check for Copies – You can check if content is copied using Jasper because it works with Copyscape. But, you need to pay. You put in money ($10, $20, or $100) and they charge a small amount for each check.

Sometimes It‘s a Bit Off – Sometimes, Jasper writes stuff that‘s a bit weird or doesn‘t fit. A tip? Give clear instructions from the start.

If these things bother you and you‘re looking for another tool, we‘ve got a list of others you might like.

But if you just want to test Jasper AI, they give you a free trial for 7 days.

Free AI Tools Alternative to Jasper AI


Netus AI Is probably the Best Alterantive To Jasper AI

Netus AI is not an AI writer but is an AI paraphraser. Netus AI can be combined with all the AI writers that are in the market right now to paraphrase content and essentially be an AI Text detection remover.

free alternatives to jasper ai

Main Features of Netus AI

  • Freemium Option: 500 words free and an AI Detector that is completely free
  • AI Bypasser: Meaning that any AI generated content can be humanized to be undetectable to AI Detector
  • AI Summarizer: Netus AI can summarize a 2000 word essay into 200-300 words

Netus AI is a great Alternative to Jasper AI because if can generate human like content so that AI detectors or Google or whoever may be looking at your content couldn‘t tell that GPT created it.


Copy AI an Alternative To Jasper AI

Copy AI is a cool free tool you can use instead of Jasper AI. It has over 90 quick templates and can even help with blog posts.

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Chris Lu and Paul Yacoubian started Copy AI in 2020. It’s like a magic tool for writers. It can help with website stuff, ads, marketing, and big articles. The best part? You can write as much as you want with no limits!

It’s now super popular with over seven million users. Big companies like eBay and Nestle use it too.

There’s also this ‘Chat by’ thing. It looks at top Google answers and gives you straight facts. You can even tell it to do a full blog post for you!

All About Copy AI

Copy AI is a cool tool that helps you write stuff for websites, social media, ads, blogs, online stores, and more. It’s powered by GPT-4, which is super smart AI tech.

I’ve written a full review on Copy AI if you want all the details.

Why People Love Copy AI (A Great Free Tool Like Jasper AI)

  • Help with Blog Posts – Put in a title and main idea, and it’ll help start your blog.
  • Write Without Limits – For $36 each month, you can write as much as you want.
  • Chat Thingy – ‘Chat by’ can look up Google and give you quick answers.
  • Ideas for Posts – Tell it a topic, and it’ll suggest loads of blog ideas.
  • Sentence Fixer – If you’ve written something and want to change it a bit, this tool can help.
  • 90+ Writing Styles – It can make all sorts of online stuff.
  • Easy Meta Descriptions – Give it your blog title and main idea, and it’ll make a quick description for you.
  • Write in Many Languages – It can help you write in over 25 languages.

Copy AI Freeium Plan:

  • Write up to 2,000 words each month.
  • Chat feature included.
  • Over 90 tools to help with writing.
  • Write in 25 different languages.
  • Make as many projects as you need.
  • Test out their fancier plan for a week, for free.

If you want more, there’s a plan that costs $36 a month with no word limit.

And, if you’re curious, there are other tools like Copy AI you can check out.


Writesonic An Alternative To Jasper AI

jasper ai app alternative

Writesonic first appeared with a special deal on AppSumo in 2021 and quickly got a lot of fans. You can see many good comments about it on AppSumo’s website.

They have a tool called AI Article Writer 4.0, which helps people write longer stuff. Bloggers, online shops, and marketing folks really like using it.

Just like Jasper AI, Writesonic can work with another tool called Surfer SEO to make your blogs even better.

The Writesonic team keeps adding new things. They’ve made a feature called Chatsonic that can share true facts and recent news. So, it’s kind of like Jasper AI’s competitor.


Why Writesonic is a Great Alterantive to Jasper AI

Quick Blogs: Writesonic can make a full blog post super fast. It helps with the beginning, middle, and end.

Chatsonic: This feature gives you true facts and recent news, and it’s run by ChatGPT.

Organize Your Work: With Writesonic, you can set up and find projects easily. It’s perfect if you have many clients or if you work in marketing.

Lots of Tools: They have over 100 tools to help you write different things, like blogs, ads, and social media posts.

Better Writing: Writesonic can also fix and improve what you write. It has tools to make content longer, shorter, clearer, and error-free.

Better Google Ranks: They have a special SEO tool (at an extra cost) to help your content get noticed on Google.

Languages: Writesonic works in 25 languages, just like Jasper AI.


Rytr an Alternative to Jasper AI

jasper ai writing alternatives

Rytr started on AppSumo with a special deal, like some other tools similar to Jasper AI. AppSumo users quickly liked and adopted it. With their feedback, Rytr soon became a top choice for writing.

It uses an AI tech called GPT-3 to write. But Rytr also has its own AI to make writings even better.

The tool can be used for 40 different tasks and can write in over 30 languages. Plus, it has features to help you tweak and improve the content.


Rytr’s Main Features

Rytr uses its own special AI and another popular AI called GPT-3 to help write content.

Working Together: On Rytr, you can add your team and decide what they can see or do. It’s good for sharing work.

Saving Stuff: Like Jasper AI, you can save a lot of work on Rytr. You can also share your saved work with others.

Many Uses: With Rytr, you can write blogs, ads, social media posts, and more. It also lets you change the style of your writing.

Make Content Better: Rytr has tools to help you edit and check your writing. It also tells you if someone wrote something similar.

Use Anywhere: Rytr works on many websites like Gmail and Facebook because of its Chrome extension.

Languages: Rytr can write in languages like English, Spanish, and Chinese.

Other Options Besides Jasper AI

Some tools like Jasper AI don’t have a free version, but there are still others you can try. Here’s one:

A great Alternative to Jasper AI is Content at Scale

similar to Jasper AI app

“Content at Scale” is a great tool if you want something like Jasper AI. You give it a keyword, and it can make long articles without copying from others. It’s special because it makes blog posts that don’t look like they were made by a computer. This is good because Google’s John Mueller said that content made by computers might not be liked by Google. If you want to know how to use it, there’s a guide for “Content at Scale”.

Content at Scale Overview

“Content at Scale” helps you see if your content looks like it’s written by a person. This is important because Google might soon spot and possibly penalize content that’s written by machines. This tool also lets you easily add your articles to your WordPress website. If you’re curious, you can check out my full review on it.

What makes Content at Scale special?

  • Give it a keyword, and it writes a long blog for you.
  • The articles don’t seem like they’re written by a robot.
  • The content is set up to work well with search engines.
  • It can send articles straight to your WordPress site.
  • It can create many articles quickly.
  • It checks if the content is original.
  • It can write in lots of different languages.

ClosersCopy Alternative To Jasper AI

similar to jasper ai login

ClosersCopy uses its own unique tech for online writing, not the usual GPT-3 that others use. They claim it’s better and without limits, which has gotten them attention from many users like businesses and bloggers. They offer lots of ready-to-use templates and tools, and teams can collaborate there too.

Special Features

  • Their Own AI: They’ve built their own writing tech, with three versions for different writing needs.
  • Templates Galore: They have over 700 marketing templates and 30 ways to organize your work.
  • Full Articles: Just give a topic, and it can create a whole blog for you. Plus, other tools to help improve writing.
  • Advanced Editor: Their writing space lets you add photos, tables, and emojis.
  • Team Features: Add team members and choose what they can do on projects.
  • Lots of Languages: It can write in 120+ languages, more than most others.

There’s no free trial or version, but they promise a refund in 14 days if you don’t like it. They also have a one-time payment for lifetime use. They offer three price plans, all based on how much you plan to write. All plans give full tool access.

Anyword an Alternative To Jasper AI

similar to jasper ai writing

Anyword is a tool that makes creating things like ads and blogs easier. It uses smart tech to figure out what your audience might like.


  1. Put in your website and a short detail about what you’re promoting.
  2. Pick how you want the content to sound.
  3. Press a button, and the tool gives you ideas. It even rates them to show which might work best.


Cool features:

  • Makes long articles.
  • Gives different wording options.
  • Highlights special deals.
  • Uses specific words you choose.
  • Adapts content for different people.
  • Rates each content idea.
  • Improves website wording.
  • Writes in your brand’s style.

Bramework Great for Content Creation

How to use jasper ai alternatives

Bramework is a tool that helps you write long blog posts. Here’s what it offers:

  • It can suggest titles and outline your blog.
  • It checks how well certain words might do online.
  • It helps find the right words for your blog.
  • It makes sure your work isn’t copied from somewhere else.

You give it a topic word, and it can almost write a whole blog post for you. It also shows you details about words you might want to use, to make sure your blog is liked by Google.

Other cool things it can do:

  • Helps format your writing.
  • Can create different parts of a blog with just one word.
  • Can turn a sentence into a list.
  • Offers detailed blog plans.
  • Lets you look up words a lot.
  • Makes sure your writing is original.
  • Lets you add free photos.

Copysmith An Alterantive To Jasper AI for e-Commerce

is jasper ai worth it

Copysmith is a tool popular with online stores, marketers, and bloggers. It got famous after a special deal in 2020. It uses GPT-4 AI to create content and has a feature called Ali for trendy updates.

Key Points:

  1. AI Content: Just give some info, and it writes for you.
  2. Blog & Check: It makes articles and checks if they’re unique.
  3. Bulk Creation: It can make a lot of content quickly.
  4. Save & Teamwork: You can save in different formats and work with your team inside the app.
  5. Templates: It has over 30 designs for various platforms.
  6. Connect with Apps: You can link it to other popular apps.
  7. Language Options: It writes in 60+ languages, but English is its best.


It’s a good alternative to Jasper AI.

Outranking For SEO Content Creation

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Outranking is a tool that helps you write web content that’s easy for search engines to find. It’s great for different kinds of content, like blogs, press releases, or online shop details. It can give you a starting point for your article, and it has tools to make your writing better and more interesting.

Key Features

    • Web Research: Finds main ideas and common questions.
    • Quick Blog Plans: Helps you plan any topic quickly.
    • SEO Check: Shows how search-engine friendly your website is.
    • SEO Descriptions: Makes SEO titles and descriptions for you.
    • Teamwork: Lets everyone work together easily.
    • Works with Others: Links with Grammarly, WordPress, and Google Docs.
    • Competitor Check: Tells you about your rivals and how to be better.
    • SEO Tweaks: Guides you to adjust parts like titles for SEO.


Finally The Conclusion

Picking the Right Tool for You

Deciding on a writing tool? Here’s a simple breakdown:

  1. Want to try before you buy? Use the free trials.
  2. Need long, high-quality writing? Go for Content at Scale.
  3. Need something quick and trusted? Choose Copy AI.
  4. Don’t forget, these tools help, but your own skills and some SEO knowledge make a big difference!

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