Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Netus AI

This Privacy Policy covers Netus AI and brand representative, Netus AI, treatment of information acquired or collected from you, the site visitor or User, reasoning and means of doing so, by Netus AI, brand representatives, third-party partners or other reasonable means that arise during the course of normal interaction. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to entities outside of Netus AI and brand representatives, nor to agents, organization extensions or end-users not owned or controlled by Netus AI, nor persons not controlled nor manage by Netus AI. Notwithstanding the Privacy Terms above, Netus AI and brand representatives undertake to maintain your privacy when working with third parties. Netus AI is committed to protecting the data you share with us.

This Privacy Policy will further inform you about your rights and choices with respect to your Personal Information, and how you can reach us to update your contact information or get answers to questions you may have about our privacy practices.

All terms not defined in this Privacy Policy, can be found in our updated Terms and Conditions.


  1. Collection and Use
    1. Personal Information in terms of this Policy
    2. Data Processing in terms of this Policy
      1. Consent
    3. Information Received or Collected
      1. Data Submitted on Our Website
        1. Data submitted via Live Chat
        2. Data Submitted via Form Entry
        3. Data submitted upon purchase
        4. Personal Data attached to Subscriber Lists
      2. Your Data Shared and Disclosed
        1. Statistical Information
      3. Data Integrity
      4. Data Security
      5. Cookies
      6. Children
      7. Rights of Data Subjects
        1. Timelines
        2. Breach Notifications
      8. Amendments to this Policy
      9. In a Nutshell
      10. How to get in touch with us

Collection and Use

Personal Information

For the purposes of this Policy, ‘Personal Information’ is regarded and relates to personally identifiable information of natural or juristic persons. Natural persons can be identified, whether directly or indirectly, by identification number or factors specific to his/her physical, mental, economical, social or cultural identity, including factors such as name, location or online identifier.

Notwithstanding the exceptions in terms of this Policy, Netus AI and brand representative, Netus AI (hereafter Netus AI) will not sell, rent or loan any Personal Information to third parties. Netus AI is committed to protecting the data you share with us.

Data Processing

Netus AI may receive or collect personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”) from you via interaction in regards to or by way of utilizing Our Product.  By voluntarily providing Netus AI and brand representatives with Personal Information, you thereby submit that you are the owner of said information or are otherwise authorized to disclose or provide it to Netus AI. You further submit consent to the collection of such Personal Information by Netus AI in accordance with our Privacy Policy further set out below. You agree and acknowledge that communication with Netus AI or communication via/in regards to Our Product will result in the transfer of Personal Data/information, as consented, whether locally or globally, and that Netus AI will process this data in adherence to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). You further submit and consent to certain Personal Information being transferred to the servers and databases of Netus AI for storage and processing in terms of this Policy. You submit to understanding that certain jurisdictions in certain countries govern privacy and data security laws in their respective manners, according to which the your Personal Data may be collected, used, stored and/or disclosed.


Netus AI relies on your consent for data processing purposes. The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) defines consent as “…freely given, specific, informed…, a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of Personal Data…”.

Netus AI provides for granular consent processes in each instance where personally identifiable data is processed. We support the spirit and aim of data protection proposed by the GDPR, and endeavouring to affect Privacy by Design.

Information received/collected

Subject to this Policy, in the course of utilizing Our Product or by way of communications with Netus AI, the following information may be collected and/or received per consent by you, the User or website visitor:

– Email address.

– Personal information, including name and surname.

– Contact information, including email address and social profiles.

– Business information, including company profiles, social profiles, websites, company name and address.

– Account information, including the use of third party services.

– Data, including use and access to Our Product and information submitted in regards to the use of Our Product.

Data submitted on our Website (

Data Submitted via Live Chat Box

In order better communicate with our customer or potential customers, Netus AI hosts a live chat box on its site ( If you, as website visitor, choose to get in touch with our agents via this Live Chat box, you must first consent to your data being processed for support/chat related purposes. Consent is verified by means of a check box and a notice (live chat consent clause) stipulating our data retention period. Based on this consent, Netus AI may receive your name and email and information relating to your browser, operating system, type (new or returning visitor) and visiting page url. The latter information is utilized for enhanced support provision. Once this chat data has been processed, it is stored on Netus AI’s site database for the period specified in the live chat consent clause but may be requested, rectified or erased on your request, at any time.

Data Submitted via Form Entry

Any data submitted to Netus AI by means of our contact form, is reserved for specific product support and query related purposes. If you choose to get in touch with our agents via this form, you must first consent to your data being processed. Consent is verified by means of a check box and a notice stipulating the details of the data controller (Netus AI) and the data retention period. Based on this consent, Netus AI may receive your name, email address and website url and information relating to the support query. This information is processed and stored on our internal support desk (not a third-party service, thereby providing an additional safety measure) and is retained for as long as reasonably required to act as reference for returning queries. You will be prompted to consent to the retention of you data for a reasonably required period. Only acting support agents of Netus AI will have access to said information, subject to the signing of a confidentiality agreement. Your information may be requested, rectified or erased upon request, at any time.

Data submitted upon purchase

For completion of purchase Users of Netus AI are required to submit information such as a name and email address for receipt of Our Product and to create an account via which the purchase of said product is verified. By voluntarily providing us with Account information, the User submits that he is the owner of the information provided or are otherwise authorized to provide it to Netus AI. This information, along with your transaction ID, is kept as reference to your opened account for as long as reasonably required. So as to give effect to the right of access to held information in terms of the GDPR, Netus AI has provided for a GDPR Actions page. From here, you may view, download, rectify or erase your data. [Erasure of data comes with a stern warning that this terminates the license held by the User, as this is unchangeably attached to your personally identifiable data]. Netus AI in no way endeavours to make consent a condition of using our service, however, we require consent, as per regulation, to process your Personal Data and attach purchased licenses to it.

Netus AI further promoted the protection of your data by making use of payment solutions Stripe and PayPal, who also demonstrate compliance with the GDPR and have strict data protection measures in place.

Personal Data attached to Subscriber Lists

Such information is created, inputted, submitted, posted, transmitted, stored or displayed by you.

The collection of this data is on a strictly consensual basis for the purpose of rendering service in relation to Our Product or communicating marketing material. Information communicated may consist of notifications of new releases, updates, versions, changes, upgrades and/or future prospects. Netus AI will only communicate information reasonably relevant to the purpose of list subscriptions or information we reasonably believe will fall in your interest.

Furthermore, our newsletter campaigns will provide you with the needed information required by regulation: why we are emailing you, your previous consent and subscription and a clear option to opt out.

Netus AI will not communicate marketing information to you unless you have duly consented by subscribing to our newsletter lists. Netus AI do not generate automatic lists based on User or site visitors actions and where previously collected in this fashion, subscribers were prompted to re-subscribe and so confirm their consent.

You, as subscriber, may opt out of all subscriptions at any time.

Your Data Shared and Disclosed

Netus AI may share your Personal Data only in exceptional, limited circumstances as listed below:

  • After you have consented to such action, and:
  • In terms of certain business-related functions, such as functions regarding the maintenance of our databases, processing of payments or otherwise providing necessary software, storage or networking facilities to so effectively operate and manage Our Product.
  • If, in bona fide spirit, it is reasonably necessary to:
    • Satisfy law, regulation, legal provision or process or governmental request, assistance of investigation into the violations of this Policy, including fraud and theft and ultimately the protection of data and information of all Users and site visitors.

In circumstances as mentioned above, Netus AI will ensure that any third party to whom information is necessary to be disclosed, will adhere to the obligations no less protective of the User or site visitors’ information, than this Privacy Policy.  

Statistical Information

Netus AI undertake to apply discretion and caution when disclosing information for statistical purposes, so as to guard against disclosing any information by which you can be identified personally by any means whatsoever.

Data Integrity

Employees, agents, officers and end-users within or outside of Netus AI will be given access to information they need to know only. Netus AI and brand representatives undertake to not disclose Personal Data where not reasonably necessary or reasoned. Netus AI will take all appropriate legal, organizational and technical measures to protect the Personal Data of Users, site visitors, employees, agents, officers and end-users within or outside of Netus AI and brand representatives with access to Personal Data will be held responsible for any privacy violations in terms of this Policy and, where appropriate, institute terminations of contracts and employment.

Notwithstanding the terms of this Policy set out above, you submits that Netus AI may share public information and anonymized aggregated data when involved in a merger, acquisition or sale of company. You further submits by consenting to our data processing, that Netus AI and brand representatives may retain Personal Information in back-ups for a reasonable period of time, even after termination of the relationship between the latter party and the User or site visitor, unless erasure is otherwise requested. Upon request, Netus AI will delete, correct and/or block any Personal Information from further use and processing, unless restricted by law.

All Personal Information collected and processed is reviewed to ensure that Netus AI only store data needed to provide or improve Our Product. Reasonable steps are taken to ensure that Personal Information processed is accurate, complete and current. The User submits and has the right to provide Netus AI with relevant information and so update their profiles if and when information changes.


Netus AI and brand representatives take reasonable steps to protect Personal Information from loss, misuse, disclosure, alteration or destruction. However, the Users submits, by using Our Product, that he understands the risks associated with transmitting data.


Netus AI does not make use of any cookies to store personally identifiable data.


Children under the age of 18 are not to submit any Personal Information through or in relation to our service. Parents and guardians are called upon to help enforce this policy. If we become aware that a child under 16 has provided us with Personal Information, we will delete such information from our files.

Rights of Data Subjects

If you decide, at any time, that you no longer wish to receive marketing communications from Netus AI, please visit our opt out page. You may also email us by sending your request to Please note, however, that even after you opt out from receiving marketing material, you may continue to receive essential product information.

Netus AI recognizes your right to request access and receive information about the Personal Information we hold, to update and rectify incomplete or inaccurate information, to restrict or object to the processing of your Personal Data, to have the information blocked, anonymized or deleted, as appropriate, or to exercise your right to data portability to transfer your Personal Data to another company. Furthermore, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority subject to applicable law.

To update your preferences, ask us to remove your information from our mailing lists, delete your account or submit a request to exercise your rights under applicable law, please contact us at


Netus AI have ensured that certain processes are in place to meet a request of access, rectification, objection, erasure and opt-out is processed without undue delay and within the period of one (1) month.

Breach Notifications

Netus AI and brand representatives will notify the relevant Users of any data breached within 72 hours of discovery and without undue delay.

Amendments to this Policy

  1. Netus AI and brand representatives reserve the right to amend any of the above Policy, as and when needed so. The User submits to update his knowledge of our Privacy Policy on a regular basis and so abide by them. Our failure to enforce, at any time, any provision of these Terms does not constitute a waiver of that provision or of any other provision of the Policy.
  2. Should any provision/s in this Policy be held as invalid by a court of law, such provision/s shall be modified and thereafter interpreted so as to best accomplish the initial, now replaced provision to the fullest extent permitted by law; the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected.

In a Nutshell – TL;DR

  • Netus AI is committed to protecting the data you share with us.
  • Netus AI and brand representatives rely on the consent of Users and site visitors, or users who otherwise get in touch with us for product related queries, for data processing purposes.
  • We have granular consent processes in place for every instance and separate purpose of data processing.
  • Information/data held by Netus AI may be request, rectified or erased at any time.
  • ai will only send you marketing material upon your consent, which may be withdrawn at any time.
  • ai takes reasonables measure to ensure the integrity and security of your data.
  • Netus AI acknowledges the right of our Users and site visitors in terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • The retention and sharing of your Personal Information is regulated in terms of the GDPR.

How to get in touch with us

Netus AI

This Privacy Policy is effective as of December 25, 2022.

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Through digital leadership we empower people to leverage the opportunities in global economy

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